
Articles, Chapters, Books

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Skin and mechanoreceptor contribution to tactile input for perception: a review of simulation models

Skin and mechanoreceptor contribution to tactile input for perception: a review of simulation models

Robot, Pass Me the Tool. Handle Visibility Facilitates Task-oriented Handovers

Robot, Pass Me the Tool. Handle Visibility Facilitates Task-oriented Handovers

Perceived intensities of normal and shear skin stimuli using a wearable haptic bracelet

Perceived intensities of normal and shear skin stimuli using a wearable haptic bracelet

Systems and methods for delivering a plurality of haptic effects

Systems and methods for delivering a plurality of haptic effects

Tactile Echoes: Multisensory Augmented Reality for the Hand

Tactile Echoes: Multisensory Augmented Reality for the Hand

PrendoSim: Proxy-Hand-Based Robot Grasp Generator

PrendoSim: Proxy-Hand-Based Robot Grasp Generator

Contact forces in roughness discrimination

Contact forces in roughness discrimination

Causality shifts the perceived temporal order of audiovisual events.

Causality shifts the perceived temporal order of audiovisual events.

The Predictive Perception of Dynamic Vibrotactile Stimuli Applied to the Fingertip

The Predictive Perception of Dynamic Vibrotactile Stimuli Applied to the Fingertip

Static weight perception through skin stretch and kinesthetic information: detection thresholds, JNDs, and PSEs

Static weight perception through skin stretch and kinesthetic information: detection thresholds, JNDs, and PSEs

Methods, devices, and systems for creating localized haptic stimulations on a user

Methods, devices, and systems for creating localized haptic stimulations on a user

Haptic Sketches on the Arm for manipulation in virtual reality

Haptic Sketches on the Arm for manipulation in virtual reality

Effects of Haptic Feedback on the Wrist during Virtual Manipulation

Effects of Haptic Feedback on the Wrist during Virtual Manipulation

Virtual grasping feedback and virtual hand ownership

Virtual grasping feedback and virtual hand ownership

The frequency of tactile adaptation systematically biases subsequent frequency identification

The frequency of tactile adaptation systematically biases subsequent frequency identification

The contributions of skin stretch and kinesthetic information to static weight perception

The contributions of skin stretch and kinesthetic information to static weight perception

Tactile Echoes: A Wearable System for Tactile Augmentation of Objects

Tactile Echoes: A Wearable System for Tactile Augmentation of Objects

Perceptual Limits of Visual-Haptic Simultaneity in Virtual Reality Interactions

Perceptual Limits of Visual-Haptic Simultaneity in Virtual Reality Interactions

Exogenous cueing of visual attention using small, directional, tactile cues applied to the fingertip

Exogenous cueing of visual attention using small, directional, tactile cues applied to the fingertip

The Effect of Hand Size and Interaction Modality on the Virtual Hand Illusion

The Effect of Hand Size and Interaction Modality on the Virtual Hand Illusion

Modality-specific temporal constraints for state-dependent interval timing

Modality-specific temporal constraints for state-dependent interval timing

Touch with foreign hands: The effect of virtual hand appearance on visual-haptic integration

Touch with foreign hands: The effect of virtual hand appearance on visual-haptic integration

An Experimental Setup to Test Dual-Joystick Directional Responses to Vibrotactile Stimuli

An Experimental Setup to Test Dual-Joystick Directional Responses to Vibrotactile Stimuli

Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, & Applications

Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures, & Applications

Assessing Duration Discrimination: Psychophysical Methods and Psychometric Function Analysis

Assessing Duration Discrimination: Psychophysical Methods and Psychometric Function Analysis

Musical Scales in Tone Sequences Improve Temporal Accuracy

Musical Scales in Tone Sequences Improve Temporal Accuracy

Experimental Evaluation of Vibrotactile Training Mappings for Dual-Joystick Directional Guidance

Experimental Evaluation of Vibrotactile Training Mappings for Dual-Joystick Directional Guidance

An experimental setup to test dual-joystick directional responses to vibrotactile stimuli

An experimental setup to test dual-joystick directional responses to vibrotactile stimuli

Temporal Regularity of the Environment Drives Time Perception

Temporal Regularity of the Environment Drives Time Perception

The Consistency of Crossmodal Synchrony Perception Across the Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Senses

The Consistency of Crossmodal Synchrony Perception Across the Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Senses

For the Last Time: Temporal Sensitivity and Perceived Timing of the Final Stimulus in an Isochronous Sequence

For the Last Time: Temporal Sensitivity and Perceived Timing of the Final Stimulus in an Isochronous Sequence

Differential processing of binocular and monocular gloss cues in human visual cortex

Differential processing of binocular and monocular gloss cues in human visual cortex

Depth: The Forgotten Dimension in Multisensory Research

Depth: The Forgotten Dimension in Multisensory Research

FMRI evidence for areas that process surface gloss in the human visual cortex

FMRI evidence for areas that process surface gloss in the human visual cortex

Taking a long look at isochrony: Perceived duration increases with temporal, but not stimulus regularity

Taking a long look at isochrony: Perceived duration increases with temporal, but not stimulus regularity

Speed/accuracy tradeoff in force perception

Speed/accuracy tradeoff in force perception

Progressive co-adaptation in human-machine interaction

Progressive co-adaptation in human-machine interaction

Response time-dependent force perception during hand movement

Response time-dependent force perception during hand movement

Perceived Softness of Composite Objects

Perceived Softness of Composite Objects

Multisensory Softness

Multisensory Softness

Duration perception in crossmodally-defined intervals

Duration perception in crossmodally-defined intervals

Computational aspects of softness perception

Computational aspects of softness perception

Multisensory contributions to spatial perception

Multisensory contributions to spatial perception

Multisensory simultaneity recalibration: storage of the aftereffect in the absence of counterevidence

Multisensory simultaneity recalibration: storage of the aftereffect in the absence of counterevidence

Multisensory Perception: From Integration to Remapping

Multisensory Perception: From Integration to Remapping

Exploratory reach-to-grasp trajectories for uncertain object poses

Exploratory reach-to-grasp trajectories for uncertain object poses

Perceived compliance in a pinch

Perceived compliance in a pinch

Audiovisual asynchrony detection in human speech.

Audiovisual asynchrony detection in human speech.

Learning to use an invisible visual signal for perception

Learning to use an invisible visual signal for perception

Within- and cross-modal distance information disambiguate visual size-change perception

Within- and cross-modal distance information disambiguate visual size-change perception

User-based evaluation of data-driven haptic rendering

User-based evaluation of data-driven haptic rendering

Inconsistency of perceived 3D shape

Inconsistency of perceived 3D shape

Influence of visual and haptic delays on stiffness perception in augmented reality

Influence of visual and haptic delays on stiffness perception in augmented reality

Computationally efficient techniques for data-driven haptic rendering

Computationally efficient techniques for data-driven haptic rendering

Motion primitives of dancing

Kinesthetics of dancing vs. cyclical movements

The relation between disparity and velocity signals of rigidly moving objects constrains depth order perception

The relation between disparity and velocity signals of rigidly moving objects constrains depth order perception

Temporal calibration between the visual, auditory, and tactile senses: A psychophysical approach

Temporal calibration between the visual, auditory, and tactile senses: A psychophysical approach

Perception of shape properties from multiple cues

Perception of shape properties from multiple cues

Spatial integration in structure from motion

Spatial integration in structure from motion

Short-term temporal recruitment in structure from motion

Short-term temporal recruitment in structure from motion

Illusory 3-D rotation induced by dynamic image shading

Illusory 3-D rotation induced by dynamic image shading

Percezione di superfici e illuminazione dinamica

Percezione di superfici e illuminazione dinamica