
Exogenous cueing of visual attention using small, directional, tactile cues applied to the fingertip

The deployment of visual spatial attention can be significantly influenced in an exogenous, presumably bottom-up manner. Traditionally, spatial cueing paradigms have been utilized to come to such conclusions. Although these paradigms have primarily …

Depth: The Forgotten Dimension in Multisensory Research

The last quarter of a century has seen a dramatic rise of interest in the spatial constraints on multisensory integration. However, until recently, the majority of this research has investigated integration in the space directly in front of the …

For the Last Time: Temporal Sensitivity and Perceived Timing of the Final Stimulus in an Isochronous Sequence

An isochronous sequence is a series of repeating events with the same inter-onset-interval. A common finding is that as the length of a sequence increases, so does temporal sensitivity to irregularities - that is, the detection of deviations from …